Doug Schmidt who live in Vancouver, Canada, He created "Cool and Clean" application on Adobe Apollo Runtime.
DryerFox - It's like Firefox, but inside a dryer! on his Blog "Old Doug, New Tricks!"
The application was called "DryerFox" by Doug.
His Original Application has the Apollo Application Descriptor File.
But It was already deprecated and useless on Adobe AIR Runtime.
Since it was so cool application, I thought regret that it can not works.
Doug Schmidt release application with source code.
I just wanna see the application works.
Becouse I modified "Apollo Application Descriptor File" to "Adobe AIR Descriptor File".
I just only done. It can works.
I apologize to Mr. Scmidt that I had my own way without your permission. Please, forgive me.
We want to express gratitude to Mr. Schmidt and to obtain the fun.
You just click below link, then the application install begin. (When you had already AIR)
DryerFox for AIR
Modified Adobe AIR Descriptor File
You need Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR), if you want to run "DryerFox ".
Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) - Adobe Labs Downloads
Original is here!
DryerFox - It's like Firefox, but inside a dryer!
4 days ago